102 %1 from %2 103 Connected to %1 104 Resolving name: %1 105 Resolved name to %1 106 Connecting to %1 107 Redirecting to %1 108 Getting file information 109 An error occurred parsing the url: %s 110 An error occurred while attempting to download the file, Error:%1 111 An error occurred connecting to the server, Error:%1 112 Failed to receive a valid response from the server, Error:%1 113 Failed to receive a valid HTTP response from the server, Response Code:%1 114 An error occurred while downloading the file, Error:%1 115 Web Update ( %s%% ) 116 Retrieving updated version (%s) 117 %1 of %2 118 %1 sec 119 %1 min 120 %1 min %2 sec 121 %1 Bytes 123 %1 KB 125 %1 MB 127 %1 (%2 copied) 128 %1 Bytes/Sec 129 %1 KB/Sec 130 The file '%1' already exists.\nDo you want to replace it? 131 An error occured while opening the file to be downloaded, Error:%1 132 Aborting transfer 133 An error occurred while seeking to the end of the file to be downloaded, Error:%1 57344 WebUpdate